A few things I love 


Though I can’t sing or play an instru­ment to save my life! I absolute­ly love music… I real­ly can’t go a car ride or and chore or an edit­ing ses­sion with­out music.

And you guesed it, there WILL be music at your session!


I know, I sound like a total nurd! but I can’t help it, I have to have the newest and coolest tech stuff…

Im so a Mac girl 🙂


I have a tiny prob­lem with binge watch­ing. I love com­e­dy 🙂 The Office, Com­mu­ni­ty, Out­sourced, Parks and Recreation…


Ill take tea over cof­fee, Tea­vana is my fav shop hehe!

Pas­sion Tan­go Tea is amazing


My Fam­bam is seri­ous­ly the rea­son I do what I do! To me fam­i­ly is every­thing! I believe if we took our kids and fam­i­lies more seri­ous the world would be a bet­ter place! I want to change the culture